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Rome – Meeting with Mauritania Ambassador

Rome - Today, our Managing Director, Silvia Boltuc, and Research Manager, Giuliano Bifolchi, together with Talal Khrais, Assadakah Foreign Relations Manager, had an interesting meeting with H.E. Zeineb Ely Salem, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Rome, to discuss issues related to media and communication cooperation. Silvia Boltuc and Giuliano Bifolchi introduced SpecialEurasia and our media partner Notizie Geopolitiche and our joint project "Opinione Araba," whose purpose is to inform the Italian and international audience about the Arab world. Thanks to Assadakah's support, at the end of the meeting, the parties reached a joint agreement with H.E. Zeineb Ely Salem to promote and discuss Mauritania's politics, economy, energy, security, investment opportunities, and culture among the Italian and international audience.


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