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Artsakh - Attiviamoci tutti

Immagine del redattore: Letizia LeonardiLetizia Leonardi

Assadakah News Agency - Cari amici, i Governi, i media, gli Organismi Internazionali fanno orecchio da mercante e allora ognuno di noi abbiamo il dovere di fare qualcosa. A seguire troverete i materiali relativi alla crisi umanitaria che si è creata nel Nagorno Karabakh a causa del assedio del Corridoio Lachin da parte dell’Azerbaijan. La popolazione è allo stremo, mancano i medicinali, il cibo, luce, gas, carburante.

Vi chiediamo di sensibilizzare sulla situazione tutti i media, tutte le istituzioni e altri partner attraverso tutti i possibili canali per sbloccare il corridoio e permettere il libero movimento attraverso il corridoio di Lachin di persone e merci. Pubblichiamo tutti, continuamente Tweet. A seguire troverete i possibili testi in lingua inglese per raggiungere più persone possibili. A seguire gli hashtags da inserire se scriverete un testo vostro in italiano. Abbiamo anche inserito l'elenco dei destinatari ai quali inviare l'appello per sensibilizzare più persone possibili.

Grazie per la collaborazione.

Tweet 1: 2000 pregnant women are struggling to survive under conditions of malnutrition as a result of blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor.

Tweet 2: Blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan has devastating consequences for civilian population, including pregnant women. Currently, more than 2000 pregnant women of #Artsakh are facing threat of miscarriage. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 3: With each passing day, pregnant women of #NagornoKarabakh bear the weight of malnutrition, protecting their unborn children from harsh realities. They cling to hope, praying for end of blockade & future where their children will live in peace. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 4: In #NagornoKarabakh a pregnant woman fainted because of malnutrition. Miscarriages have risen 3 times due to lack of basic food items & medicine for pregnant, resulting from blockade of #LachinCorridor by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 5: 30.000 children are struggling to survive under conditions of malnutrition resulting from the blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 6: Heartbreaking Tragedy is unfolding in #NagornoKarabakh. 30.000 children are struggling to survive resulting from absence of food, medications & other essential goods. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 7:Blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan has unleashed a humanitarian nightmare, leaving people struggling for survival. Lack of access to food & resources threatens well-being of countless persons, including innocent children & elderly. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 8: The innocent children of #NagornoKarabakh are deprived of their right to education due to illegal blockade of #LachinCorridor by #Azerbaijan. Schools that should be vibrant centers of learning now stand empty, echoing laughter that once filled their classrooms. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 9: There are long queues for an extremely limited amount of bread in #NagornoKarabakh. Residents of #Artsakh, incl adults & children, wait for hours to receive daily bread. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 10: #NagornoKarabakh is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe due to the illegal blockade of #LachinCorridor. The interruption of essential utilities by Azerbaijani authorities directly affects the educational infrastructure, making it nearly impossible for schools to function. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 11: As a result of blockade of #Lachin corridor by #Azerbaijan, lifeline connecting #NagornoKarabakh with the rest of the world, there is a severe shortage of essential goods, even for most little ones. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 12: #Azerbaijan has disrupted supply of electricity & gas from #Armenia to #NagornoKarabakh, thereby deepening energy and humanitarian crisis. #OpenLachinCorridor.

Tweet 13: 20.000 elderly people are struggling to survive under conditions of malnutrition as a result of blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 14: #NagornoKarabakh blockade has unleashed a humanitarian nightmare, leaving people struggling for survival. Lack of access to food & medications threatens well-being of countless persons, incl elderly, who are the most vulnerable in times of crisis. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 15: Complete prohibition of cargo supply by #Azerbaijan has left people of #NagornoKarabakh isolated from outer world, struggling to meet their basic needs for food, medicine & essential goods. We cannot stand idly while people suffer & die from hunger. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 16: Behind political complexities lies a human tragedy. Heartbreaking reality of people starving to death in #NagornoKarabakh is a catastrophe that demands immediate action from international community. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 17: 4687 persons with diabetes are left without any medicine needed resulting from blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 18: Illegal blockade of #LachinCorridor by #Azerbaijan resulted in violation of fundamental rights of people of #NagornoKarabakh. People w/ chronic diseases, incl 4687 persons with diabetes are left without any necessary medicine. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 19: 4687 persons with diabetes are struggling to survive under conditions of absence of food, medications & other vital necessities. Every second counts. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 20: Resulting from blockade of #LachinCorridor by #Azerbaijan there is a lack of necessary medication & full medical care. People suffering from cancer & diabetes, pregnant women & children in #NagornoKarabakh face serious health problems & fight for their lives. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 21: 8450 persons with circulatory diseases are left without any medicine needed resulting from blockade of #NagornoKarabakh by #Azerbaijan. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 22: Illegal blockade of #LachinCorridor by #Azerbaijan resulted in violation of fundamental rights of people of #NagornoKarabakh. People w/ chronic diseases, incl 8450 persons with circulatory diseases are left without any medicine needed. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 23: #NagornoKarabakh remains under total blockade, causing severe hardships for its people. Immediate intl intervention is crucial to ease suffering & restore essential supplies. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 24: Armenians of #NagornoKarabakh are subjected to ethnic cleansing by #Azerbaijan. The international community must react to prevent it. Every second matters. #OpenLachinCorridor

Tweet 25: Population of #NagornoKarabakh faces a real threat of starvation, as supply of all types of goods has been completely prohibited by #Azerbaijan. 8450 persons with circulatory diseases are left without any medicine needed. #OpenLachinCorridor





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